Welcome to Companion Dog Sports Program, where obedience showing is fun
My ownership of the CDSP
obedience venue since 2010
has been very exciting. I
have continued the good work
started by St. Hubert's. I have
made, and hopefully will
continue to make,
enhancements to this growing
obedience sport. I am very
happy to say this venue
allows not only purebreds but
also mixed breeds and even
dogs with disabilities to
compete in and enjoy this
FUN style of obedience. In
the years to come, I would
like to increase awareness of
CDSP to help make it a widely recognized obedience venue. I will help clubs already
hosting CDSP shows continue to host more shows and increase awareness of the "new"
sport of obedience.
I started trialing in Novice CDSP in 2010 with my Golden Retrievers, Troy and Fly, and
my Sheltie, Breezy, and very much enjoyed the challenge of the class and the
atmosphere of the day.
Please browse through the web site as I am sure you will want to get your dog
registered and get out there with your canine companion to "strut your stuff" along with
the rest of us who are enjoying the sport again.
Sandi Ver Sprill and (left to right in photo above) Fly, Breezy, Stella, Jasmine, and Pippa
CDSP merchandise for
exhibitors, judges and
reps. Visit us today!
No trials in your area?
Check out CDSP Video
as an option to earn
obedience titles.
Do you know someone
interested in CDSP?
Download and print the
new CDSP brochure!
Visit the National Rankings page to view and download the full 2024
National Rankings and print National Rankings’ certificates.